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Facilities of the Port


The length of the channel in Tianjin Port is 44 kilometres and the width will turn to 315 metres after renovating which is to meet the 250 thousand-ton style vessels sailing. At present,the third staged project for channel widening is just under way and width of the channel will come to 775 metres when the project is completed. Now,the depth of channel of Tianjin Port is -19.5 metres and 250 thousand-ton style vessels could sail in or out the port anytime and the 300 thousand-ton style vessels could at high-tide time

The land space of the port covers 72 square kilometres and the designed total space will reach to 100 square kilometres by the year of 2010. ?The port mainly consists of 4 parts which are named as the North Area, the South Area, the East Area and the Haihe Zone. In the North Area,it’s concentrated on operations of containers and general cargo in bulk. The South Area concenterates on handlings of bulk cargo both of dry and liquid. Berths in the Haihe Zone are only adequate to vessels of 5000 tons and below. The East Area is the newly developed region in the Port of Tianjin and the designed space is 30 square kilometres.
In the Port of Tianjin there are totally 140 berths and 94 of them are administrated by the Port Group Company with a total pier length of 21510 metres. 87 berths are specialized in business operations with a designed though-put of 28.94 million tons and 9.05 million standard containers.



Copyright © ADP Tinajin International Transportation Co.,Ltd. Tel: 022-26231118 ,Fax: 022-26354191 ,Address:30E Unit A Mansion of Triumphal NO.66 Nanjing Road Hexi District, Tianjin P.R.CHINA